It is inevitable. At every gala, someone ends up on the dance floor barefoot, clutching their shoes that were the perfect compliment to their party dress. Yes, holding on to them as if they could reach into one at any time and pull out a lipstick and a mirror. Well last night’s fund raiser was no exception. So much for smart elegance! The invitation should have read “smart elegant attire, shoes optional“! I suppose because I am used to walking in four inch or higher shoes, I am also capable of cutting up the rug in them. It cracks me up because it is usually the most conservative, properly attired woman who after a few pops the hair comes down, the shoes come off, and with her dress is up around her neck, she’s the first to shimmy, hoedown and do the Electric Slide. I love to watch people enjoy life so please don’t think I’m stuffy if I chose to keep my shoes on. After all, it is my chance to feel tall next to my husband who is a foot taller than I. Besides, I love my shoes too much to kick ’em to the curb.


By the way, if your feet are killing you but you still want some semblance of sophistication, there are many little ballet flats made just for dancing that will slip into an evening bag.