This poor little misunderstood fruit has the nickname “butter Pear” because it is high in fat. One medium avocado has 30 grams of fat, but before you head for the butter instead, take another look. The avocado, which is consumed mostly in California and Texas where it is grown, is high in mono-unsaturated fats. Those are the good fats which raise the good cholesterol (HDLs) and lower the bad cholesterol (LDL’s). It is a healthy replacement for that pat of butter or mayonnaise that you spread on your sandwich. It is possible to eat a little avocado with every meal. One sixth of a medium avocado has only 5mg of fat and 55 calories. It is a great addition in its purest form to omelets and salads. This little gem is high in fiber, vitamin E, lutein, and potassium which is known for controlling blood pressure. It’s no wonder avocado has been placed on the much coveted list of “super foods“.