It is amazing to me how many people still do not know how to dress appropriately for work. It is a problem especially in the summer months when wearing fewer articles of clothing is how we cope with the heat. Unless you work in a gym or at a beach, showing too much skin is not appropriate at the office or shop. The first, most important thing to remember is that too short, too tight, too low (there goes my too, too, too rule again) is never appropriate for the work place. Save strapless, backless and cleavage for after hours. It is important to remember that it isn’t all about you. Imagine going into a retail environment with your spouse who doesn’t quite know where to look to stay out of trouble. They will not make the sale, I assure you if you are dragging him away or an argument ensues. Imagine also the position you are putting a male boss or superior who might have to point out that you are inappropriately dressed. Although sleeveless tops and dresses are usually fine, tank tops can be tricky and usually fall under the category of inappropriate. Anything that doesn’t cover bra straps well should be avoided. When it comes to the feet, flip flops are out in most situations and certain gladiator sandals don’t invite professionalism. To stay cool, wear loose flowy dresses and lighter, brighter colors. Layering still works especially in air conditioned offices. Chances are, if you would wear it to a picnic or to the beach, it doesn’t belong in the office.
