Happy Mother’s Day to whom all it applies. Part of staying healthy and fit is knowing when to take time off from exercise and work for the little pleasures that life has to offer. I must say though, exercising the mind is just as important as the time you spend in the gym. When it comes to the L.A. Times crossword, it can be just as exhausting too! Before the day really kicks in, especially on Sundays, I like to pour myself a cup of black coffee and sit in my living room for a change, magazine or crossword in hand and the dogs and cat at my feet. The sun pours in through the skylights and for a little while, I get lost in another world far, far away from this computer! So today on this Mother’s Day, before phone calls were made and received, I did just that. A little R&R for my body, a little exercise for my mind and I’m ready to get out in the sunshine and absorb some vitamin D!