If you tweet, text or click chances are you are overusing the extensor tendons of your wrist. Improper training techniques and improper weight lifting can further stress the wrists. Add to that a few sets of push ups and it is not at all uncommon to feel weakness, pain and numbing of the wrist and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the result of the median nerve getting compressed from the swelling of surrounding tissue, causing pain to radiate down to the fingers. It is a condition that occurs as a result of overuse or repetitive movements.

To prevent carpal tunnel, avoid keeping your wrist in an extended position. (Wrist extension occurs when your hand goes from the neutral position extending straight out from your forearm to bending the top of your hand backward.) If you are a chronic clicker, keep your wrist in a neutral position. A padded mouse is on a surface lower than chest level is the best option. When in the gym, avoid high repetition push-ups or if possible use the handle grips when you do them.

Here are some exercises you can do to help stretch and strengthen the wrist. Do them 2 or 3 times per week as a preventive measure.

Wrist Curls: Do them in the palm up and the palm down position with a two pound weight.
Tennis Ball Squeeze:


Wrist Rotations:


Push Up Handles:

