The book “Maggie Goes on a Diet” hasn’t even been published yet but already some are calling for a boycott. It is about a 14 year old girl who is bullied and unpopular because she is overweight. She goes on a diet, works hard, and becomes a soccer star which makes her popular and she deveolps self-esteem. The book which is written by Paul M. Kramer is aimed at children ages 6 and up. There has been a 119% increase in eating disorders in girls under 12 and the author is charged with sending the wrong message.

It is a controversial topic to say the least. Kramer’s intention is to write books which deal with difficult issues for children such as bullying and wetting the bed. The controversy is that she is fat and unpopular but becomes thin and popular. If the author were a little more clever, perhaps he could have broached the subject from a different point of view. How about when Maggie makes good food choices and eats her fruits and vegetables, she feels great, has more energy and more fun playing. Maggie should be empowered to feel good based on decisions she has made for herself, not because she will look better and be more popular. And how about adding a “Mikey” to the story so it isn’t just about girls. Just saying……