Did you know that a short nap can boost your memory? Researchers have found that the hippo campus, the short term memory storage area of the brain, can get a little refreshed each time you take a little snooze. When I studied for exams in college I used to pull all-nighters but I had a different method. I would study for an hour, then sleep for an hour and repeat this until I felt that I had covered all of my notes. I swore that it enabled me to store and process bits of information better.

You don’t need a whole hour to refresh your memory or feel refreshed for that matter. There is an art to napping. Just ask your cat. Find a cool, somewhat dark area away from the TV or other external stimulation and you can train yourself to fall asleep quickly and wake up refreshed after 15 or 20 minutes. Try not to nap for more than 30 minutes or you will wake up groggy and if you nap too late in the day, you might interrupt your night time sleep.