This morning on GMA Dr. Richard Besser did a segment on misconceptions people have about their workouts. I was very pleased that almost all of the points he made were already things that I have shared in previous posts. Here were some of his points:

Stretching before a workout or run isn’t going to improve your performance like a nice rhythmic warm-up can.

Most people do “sit-ups” wrong because they pull on their neck and come all of the way up.

Lifting weights will not make you bulky. Hormones have more to do with it.

Calorie counters on equipment are only an average, not based on your metabolic rate.

Muscles don’t have to burn to get a workout.

A minimum of 10 minutes of aerobic exercise can still improve your fitness level.

Working out extra long and hard will not equal weight loss. Pay more attention to what you eat.


If you have read earlier posts, then you are already the wiser. It is nice though to have an expert reinforce the message.