Have you ever wondered what makes a drink an “energy drink”? I must admit that I don’t care for soda (pop) and I have resisted the energy drinks in spite of the visual marketing that entices one to buy. I still consider coffee my energy drink. I hate the feeling that my insides are two feet in front of me or that my body is operating at a speed that my brain cannot comprehend. I can get that feeling from mistakenly having too much coffee. So why would I want an energy drink? Here are some of the ingredients in the most popular in addition to lots of sugar and caffeine:

  • Ephedrine – A stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart.
  • Taurine – A natural amino acid produced by the body that helps regulate heart beat and muscle contractions. Many health experts aren’t sure what effect it has as a drink additive (and the rumor that taurine comes from bull testicles is false).
  • Ginseng – A root believed by some to have several medicinal properties, including reducing stress and boosting energy levels.
  • B-vitamins – A group of vitamins that can convert sugar to energy and improve muscle tone.
  • Guarana seed – A stimulant that comes from a small shrub native to Venezuela and Brazil.
  • Carnitine – An amino acid that plays a role in fatty acid metabolism.
  • Creatine – An organic acid that helps supply energy for muscle contractions.
  • Inositol – A member of the vitamin B complex (not a vitamin itself, because the human body can synthesize it) that helps relay messages within cells in the body.
  • Ginkgo biloba – Made from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree, thought to enhance memory.

The first ingredient, ephedrine or what we used to know as ephedra scares me enough. It is the equivalent of herbal phen. Do you remember fen- phen which caused heart valve problems and death before it was banned? Follow the link below to read about your choice of hundreds of energy drinks. As for me, a cup of coffee will do just fine and as far as quenching my thirst….water will suffice.

P.S. When you have to pour yourself a glass of wine to calm down from your energy drink (I’ve heard of this), something is wrong.


http://www. screamingenergy.com/

Source: TLC How Stuff Works