Do you realize that everyday activities around the house can be amped up a little to become worthy of the moniker “exercise”. You don’t need a gym to improve your fitness, balance and coordination. You just need to engage your mind a little to be aware of your movements and posture throughout the day. Check out the way you are sitting right now. Are you hunched over your computer? Take a minute to lift your shoulders, then circle them down and back. I call that “setting your shoulders”. With a straighter back, you are better able to access your abdominal muscles, pulling them in toward your spine each time you exhale. Notice the subtle changes in your attitude as well. Sometimes, we have to start on the outside and work our way inward. This is also an exercise that you can do when stuck in traffic. Instead of getting in a tizzy over something that is out of your control, shift your response by sitting up straight, breathing slowly and feeling the muscles that support your spinal column. Not only will you feel more relaxed but you will have contained your energy within instead of allowing it to bounce around and get you worked up over something you can’t control. Being “tuned in” to your postural muscles and breathing is one of the first fundamentals of exercise. Almost any mundane activity can be enhanced by good posture and attitude.