I gave up on Burger King’s free wifi. It turns out it was my netbook, but I found a better place to connect. See, just when you think you are at a standstill, new things are out there to be discovered. Bean & Leaf is a hip little wifi-coffee-organic food establishment in downtown New London. I was going to sit outside but remembered that I needed to charge my phone. So I plunked down on an over-stuffed sofa and plugged in. In the background was a woman practicing her piano lessons and I think she covered all of the standards……although there were many dis-chords and hesitations. She has finished now and I can clearly hear the sounds of lattes being blended because it is the quietest little gathering place I have ever seen. Everyone is hypnotized by their devices. It is like being in a library but it smells like coffee instead of musty old books. I rather like this place and if I find myself here again tomorrow due to a continued power outage on the home front it will suit me just fine. The words “adaptation” and “flexibility“come to mind and for once I am talking about what it takes to get by, NOT exercise.